Monday, November 05, 2007

People who Ignite Minds

No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men. - Thomas Carlyle.

There are innumerable such men and women, each one with a dream, a vision who have written the history of this world. Many, not so popular, yet been an inspiration to the masses. Working for the people at the grass root level, living, being, sharing and making them see new dreams was their dream. Recently i heard a scholar on one of the popular Indian news channel criticising people who laud and treat the achivements and victories of Bobby Jindal, Sunitha Williams - as victory for India/Indians. He said "First of all, they are not Indians.... get that straight into your heads... secondly... its NOT a victory for India... should we (Indians) feel elated of a person who wins a Governer's race in US, merely because his forefathers had their roots (very very faintly) linked with India?? Now, we must not take away the victory and achievements of the Jindals, the Williamss', and other people who have risen to fame and glory. No doubt they are fantastic people having achieved great feats in their streams, but there are scores of people who have toiled for the sake of India, lived and died for a social cause, for the sake of the poor and downtrodden. These are the people who have given their entire self in bringning a change to the narrowest mindsets of people, and made them realise their rights and duties as responsible citizens of the nation. True nation building happens when people realize, look and act at social issues, to eradicate the scums in whatever possible way they can. The impact it has on the generations to come will be immense. But the stories of such great men and women have always been short lived in the memories of the people. The struggles and pains in bringing these revolutionary changes have been soon forgotten. When someone scores a century in a cricket match, or make a class act in one of the Bollywood flicks, we (and the media) worship them, they become Gods in no time.... they become our role models!! How sad that we forget the true legends and live in a fantasy world.

Speaking out on my blog, i will be introducing and talking of some great Indian personalities, who have not been as popular as Jindals or the Khans or the Bachhans on the world stage, but of some lesser known people who have had a huge impact on the lives of a common man and India. These are the people who really ignite minds.

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