gearing up for some travel?? Searching newpapers, net, travel magazines to make a perfect vacation?? Here are some of the great travel sites offering you travel advice, maps, travel guides, hotel reviews and FAQs giving you information, culture and the history of the country or place you wish to visit.
Round the globe - Lonely Planet
Karnataka Travel - Karnataka Tourism, Dream Routes
Last but never the least… for all who are set for that perfect get-away, there are a few things that you got to know...and which have to be addressed with caution. Here are some of the “before you go” tips....(if u can call it).
· Make an arrangement with a neighbor, friend or relative to check your home periodically.
· If a friend or neighbor cannot collect your mail, make arrangements for it to be held at the Post Office.
· Arrange for lawn care or snow removal. Ignoring these areas will make your house stand out in the neighborhood and announce to everyone that you are gone.
· Arrange for someone to start your car during very cold or very hot weather.
· Check your insurance for expiration dates and coverage for your automobile, home and the valuables that you’ll take with you, as well as those you’ll leave at home.
· Put your valuables and jewelry in a safety deposit box. If you don’t have, or can’t get access to a safety deposit box, you still want to hinder a hurried burglar by hiding valuable items in your house.
· Notify the local police and security system company to immediately consider any alarms as real. Leave with them the names of anyone responsible to watch over your house.
· Move houseplants away from direct sunlight, water thoroughly and wrap pots with plastic. Most plants can then live without further watering for two weeks.
· Empty the refrigerator of items that might spoil.
· Cancel or hold your newspaper delivery.
· You might want to turn your refrigerator to its lowest setting.
· Turn your air conditioner up in summer. You want to reduce your bills, but you may have to keep the house from getting too hot to protect your pets and electronics.
· Turn your heat down or off in spring or fall. Be sure to leave the house warm enough in the winter. You may want to reduce your bills, but you may need to keep the house from getting too cold to protect your pets and water pipes.
· Leave shades or drapes as you normally do.
· Lock all doors and windows including basement & garage.
· Unplug electronic items, such as, your computer to protect them if you have a storm while you’re gone.
And.... ensure that your driver is a Leo!!! :))) All the best, plan your trip and have a memorable time with family and frends