The journey from loneliness to aloneness is a long and arduous one — from the seemingly playful ripples on the surface of our being at the outset to deep shadows of conflict and contradictions — as we move on to discover ourselves.
To reach the innermost depth of understanding and tranquillity, each one of us, as a free thinker, has to walk the lonely path to self-discovery through the noisy mind. Life in its essence does not change; it hasn't for thousands of years. Life flows, as ever, with all its ups and downs.
The question is: Can we flow along with it in a naturally abundant, joyous, balanced state of being? From the chaotic state of mind, we first travel the difficult distance to the state of loneliness, which for some, may even be an anxiety-ridden experience. But in itself, it is the first and most promising milestone towards self-realisation. From there begins the journey towards aloneness.
Loneliness is the mirror carved out of our introspection — it reflects where we are in our journey towards the ultimate. At the take-off stage we are nothing more than lost particles in the vast universe and yet not quite so... for we are determined to find out who we are.
Aloneness is that next step towards self-realisation and then with consistent, aware evolution comes the finer state of aloneness; it keeps getting better till finally one arrives! There is no conflict left...problems get resolved. We had perceived challenges as problems because of our deep-rooted conditioning.
Rarely are we brought up to think that every challenge carries a huge potential, a juicy seed for our inner growth. Evolution, like pregnancy with its labour pains, is a process that carries the amazing promise of a whole new life.
In aloneness, we begin to cherish our own company and in the same measure as that of the stars, the trees and the breeze. We become one with the universe, in tune with life. Then you want nothing, crave for nothing, desire nothing because you have everything. You have you with you and that you is life in totality itself: the ultimate. Your journey to the higher self has to begin and end with you and only you.
The moment of self-realisation can happen anytime. It depends upon your readiness to receive it, upon the purity of your being in everything you do. Open your being to life and magical things would begin to happen to you. Your own life energy will flow through you, surprising you with the infinite joyous energy you carry within yourself.
You would no longer be lonely. Instead, you would be the ecstatic self which is total in being alone and in tune with nature. For the first time there would be no conflict between existence and you. As Osho said, "You will be able to sing the song that you have brought into your heart which has remained unsung for so long.
You will be able to bloom into thousands of flowers. Or as we say it in the East: You will bloom into a thousand-petalled lotus of consciousness, of awareness. That is, God, or still better, godliness".